The Tea of Yesterday

  • $6.00
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The Tea of Yesterday
To Be Served to Those Who Are Seeking Clues from  the Past in Order To Understand the Present

Available through the cooler months of Autumn into Winter
Prepare an infusion of aromatic tea laced with the fruits, spices and flowers of summers past. An organic combination of roses, orange, clove, ginger, cinnamon, and Rooibos makes a powerful potion. Use your most beautiful silver spoon to stir in honey from the friendliest bees, and if desired, milk from a contented cow. As the steam rises, dance back through time. Close your eyes and become a part of the faded scene. Sip the sacred tea to allow clarity to unfold and the pathway of your future revealed.

.5 oz compostable envelope

2.5 oz compostable packet 

ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: Rooibos tea, Roses,  Orange, Clove, Ginger, Cinnamon Chips. 

With inspiration from Villa della Luna