3 Day Turtle Movement Retreat - Natural Time Daily Routine

Posted by Stephaney Oberon on

The focus for our upcoming 3-day turtle retreat is Natural Time. This allows us to operate in our own time, instead of mechanical, man-made time, something definitely worth exploring.  This posting is about Dinacharya, creating a daily routine. We are always exactly where we are supposed to be. By the laws of nature, it can not be otherwise. Turtle is home wherever she goes because she takes her home with her. The Turtle Spirit Animal Totem advises us to own our space and take the time we need. The retreat starts Friday, July 15th, 2022, but you can participate in your own time with the videos:

If you have ever found yourself hurrying to 'catch up' or feeling as if you are out of sync in life or even in a movement class. Natural time is speed, whether you are a racehorse or a turtle, we can learn to move comfortably with depth and precision in our own natural time. Join us for the retreat by clicking HERE. 

As an optional part of the retreat, I've put together a small outline of Dinacharya, meaning Daily Routine in Ayurvedic teachings. The art of balancing time, learning to live in balance with nature. According to Vasant Lad, we often fall prey to our habits and end up wasting our life and our time due to confusion. This 'confusion' can be the root of suffering. Learning how to live in harmony with nature, with the cosmos with a daily routine is the inner secret to healing body, mind, and consciousness. 

There are several offerings of Dinacharya, guided by the times of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Even if you are not familiar with these terms, you can follow the chart I've outlined below. This is the daily routine I follow, along with a mention that I do not do all things everyday, but rather select the few that follow best with my natural time and daily schedule.

Every action is done with awareness; 

Morning Self Care: 

  • Oil Pulling, tongue scraping, teeth brushing. Cleanse face, rinse with rose water, and apply essential oils
  • Meditation, Yoga, Pranayama (breathwork) set daily intention
  • Eat light Breakfast and walk    

Lunch, Short walk, nap lying on your left side *(vamakukshi) 

Eat Light Dinner, walk 

Evening Self Care: 

  • Garshana (dry-brushing) Abhyanga (oil massage) Brush teeth, tongue scraping, warm bath or shower
  • Warm tea, reading, meditation, journaling and breathwork. 

Remember, Turtle guides us to live with circular lifelines instead of linear deadlines. Practicing daily routines can be the pathway to living in harmony with nature and with each other. 

*Vamakukshi, is simply an ayurvedic practice that involves taking a siesta or cat nap after lunch while lying on your left side. This may seem unnecessary, however, the benefits are many. Vamakukshi does not mean sleeping during the day, but rather a light period of relaxation, with no distractions to allow the body to get on with its functions.

Image: Garden State Tortoise 

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  • Absolutely! Me too and so happy to see you soon.

    stephaney on
  • Looking forward to this 3 day retreat!

    Erin on

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