Welcome to Turtle - 3 Day Natural Time Movement Retreat!

Posted by Stephaney Oberon on

Turtle Sculpture: Rose Garden, Des Moines Art Center

If you are joining or considering joining me for the Turtle Retreat, Welcome!  Before we get started I wanted to share a few things with you to enhance your retreat experience. 

  • Our retreat will begin on Friday, July 15th at 9:50 am Eastern, and continue daily on the 16th and 17th. We will be finished by 11 am each day. 
  • You will want to have a yoga mat available, and you will need space about the size of that mat, or a little larger, in which to move. If you can stand in the center of your mat, hold both hands out to the side,  rotate in a circle, and move up and down, you have enough space.
  • Please consider wearing comfortable, lightweight clothing you enjoy moving in. Movement will be done in bare feet and a reminder that socks can be slippery! 
  • If you are joining me for the live sessions you will need Zoom installed. Once you have completed your reservation you will receive the link to the class and the option to install zoom if needed. 
  • If you plan on experiencing the retreat via recording, these recordings will be made available shortly after the live class and can be accessed on-demand. 

Although the sessions are only 1-hour daily, I invite each of you to enter into the 'retreat mode' and immerse fully in the practice of self-care. I recommend that you do one session daily, allowing yourself to absorb the movement and teachings from that session. If you can not begin Session One until Friday evening, that is enough time to absorb the session and join us Saturday morning. Start the session when you can and do one session per day. This retreat is about honoring your own 'natural time' so you will want to listen to your intuition, yet I do encourage working with just one session per day. If you need more, watch the session as many times as you desire. 

Taking a day off, or a few hours of solitude is a worthwhile ambition. If possible, remove as many distractions as possible during these three days and 'act as if' you are on retreat. Let your friends and family know that you will be less available if this is at all feasible. I am going to avoid getting in the car during those 3 days, shop for any food I may need in advance, cook healthy meals, read more, bypass the television, garden, and read from my very large pile of books. If this works for you, consider making it happen. 

Perhaps you need to 'come out of your shell' during this Turtle Retreat. If so, use this time to write some letters or emails to friends or family you wish to connect to or make a few phone calls to re-establish the relationship if desired. Choose a project, or re-organize, if these activities feel desirable. 

Although the retreat sessions are 1- hour daily, they will be chock full. During the rest of the day, I encourage you to walk, meditate and use the dance video that will be available to you during the retreat. I will also be sending out a daily ritual or routine for you to follow if you desire. After all, it is your time to use how you desire and choose how deeply you wish to go within.



- With love,

Stephaney Oberon 










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  • Robin! Yes I agree. I am preparing to into retreat mode as well, even though I will be staying HOME!

    stephaney on
  • I am really looking forward to this and love the idea of treating it as a retreat even though I am at home. Thank you.

    Robin Hegner on

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