Are You Co-Co Dependent? Try our Lip Therapy!

Posted by Stephaney Oberon on

Today my studio was filled with the smell of warm Cocoa Butter and Coconut Oil. absolutely nurturing on a cold day. I've named these little therapies;  Co-Co Dependent. Filled with vanilla bean, cocoa butter and coconut oil, then poured lovingly into these eco-friendly push up tubes.

I have chosen not to use any essential oils in these lip balms. I love that they are 'naked', pure and simple. Plus sometimes I find essential oils can be drying to lips. Also since the main ingredients are organic CO-coa butter, and CO-conut oil, I wanted the smell of the butters and oils without interference, although I do believe adding vanilla bean enhances the depth of these two ingredients.

The name, I came across years ago. I was teaching a training in one of my favorite towns; Fairfield, Iowa, and it was in a studio above a chocolate shop. During our breaks everyone would dash down the stairs and purchase delicate little chocolate creations; sea salt caramel, white chocolate rasberry, dark chocolate cream, roasted almond trufflle......  We had an ongoing joke about the amount of chocolate we were consuming. 

After the completion of the training, we went to see Swami Beyondananda who was performing in the studio directly after us. The Swami's motto is 'wake up laughing' and the event was filled with several laugh out loud moments. Especially when he mentioned that if we were chocolate lovers we may not just be co-dependent, but co-co dependent! 

Co-Co Dependent is Therapy for the lips. Available only during the months of autumn and winter. Apply. Smile. Need Less Therapy. 



 “The bad news: There is no key to the universe. The good news: It was never locked.”
― Swami Beyondananda


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