Kuan Yin - Compassion and Mercy through out the Seasons
Posted by Stephaney Abilon on

Lately I have found myself drawn to the goddess Kuan Yin, the Goddess of compassion and mercy.
Of the many symbols of Kuan Yin, perhaps none is as meaningful as water. She is said to live on a magical island surrounded by the ocean; many legends show her rescuing sailors and fisher folk. She uses water to 'shower us with compassion'.
During the Winter Solstice and again at Spring Equinox, it is with great reverence that I have created a Kuan Yin Trio to open our hearts and to immerse ourselves into the water at these sacred times of the year.
The Absinthe Rabbit tribute to Kuan Yin includes a bath soak make with French sea salts and powdered honey, rose petals, essence of rose, and a very rare and exotic Gulab Rose from India. We've also included floral essence mist which you can pour directly into the bath, or use as a face and body floral mist. After rising up out of the Kuan Yin bath, spritz your body and face with our Floral Mist, then follow with our lovely pink pearl facial cream which is made from roses.
We invite you, as part of this bathing ritual to read the following prayer
Kuan Yin’s Prayer for the Abuser
To those who withhold refuge, I cradle you in safety at the core of my Being.
To those who cause a child to cry out, I grant you the freedom to express your own choked agony.
To those who inflict terror, I remind you that you shine with the purity of a thousand suns.
To those who would confine, suppress, or deny, I offer the limitless expanse of the sky.
To those who need to cut slash, or burn, I remind you of the invincibility of Spring.
To those who cling and grasp, I promise more abundance than you could ever hold onto.
To those who vent their rage on small children, I return to you your deepest innocence.
To those who must frighten into submission, I hold you in the bosom of your original mother.
To those who cause agony to others, I give the gift of free-flowing tears.
To those who deny another’s right to be, I remind you that the angels sang in celebration of you n the day of your birth.
To those who see only division and separateness, I remind you that a part is born only by bisecting a whole.
For those who have forgotten the tender mercy of a mother’s embrace, I send a gentle breeze to caress your brow.
To those who still feel somehow incomplete, I offer the perfect sanctity of this very moment.
Do not forget this….
Wishing the beauty of compassion and mercy as we move through 2020.
(A special thanks to Gloria Karpinski for bringing this prayer to my attention.)